Zahnarztpraxis im Burgstraßencarre
Zahnarztpraxis im Burgstraßencarre

Was is aesthetic dentistry?

Bleaching is a gentle treatment used to whiten teeth. We offer two different methods depending on what suits you best:

In-office bleaching (chairside bleaching): We apply a special bleaching agent (a carbamide peroxide gel) to the teeth and enhance the action of the agent with a halogen lamp. The whole procedure takes about 50 minutes, is done here on our premises and is absolutely painless.

At-home bleaching: We prepare a custom-fitted mouthguard for you that will fit your teeth precisely. You fill this with the whitening gel and wear it at home several hours a day for a week.

Many tests have shown that the whitening process does not effect the surface or structure of the teeth.

Veneers were developed in the USA. A veneer is a thin translucent piece of ceramic fitted over the tooth and used to correct small imperfections, chipped teeth or discoloration. The procedure is so flexible that even large–scale crowns on front teeth can be avoided.

While crowns on front teeth can sometimes reveal a dark rim after a period of time, veneers are paper thin at the edges and even after a long time the join will not be visible. These aspects make veneers a highly elegant solution for perfect dental aesthetics.

Consultation hours

07.30 - 13.00  | 14.00 - 19.00  
08.00 - 13.00  | 14.00 - 19.00  
07.30 - 13.00
07.30 - 13.00  | 14.00 - 19.00  
07.30 - 14.00  |


Burgstrasse 61
69121 Heidelberg


Tel. 0 62 21-40 44 30
or 0 62 21-67 38 667
Fax 0 62 21-40 44 31

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